Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Upcoming fundraisers! 

Awards ceremony today at school.
The kids thanking Mary Schulte for the great job she did painting the murals on the car! 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Washing windows

Chatting with the customers

Full Lot!!!

Diesel Island

Arnold's filled multiple vehicles as did many supporters but I think the record was Dustin Jacobs!!!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!  We appreciate your support more than you know!!!

Fred drew for the winners of the raffle!
The winners are as follows:
*Twins Tickets - Rich Mirelli
*Back to the 50’s Car Show - Dylan Jensen
*Zoo Tickets - Alex Marschalk
*Zoo Tickets - Bruce Niebuhr
*Zoo Tickets - Jan King
THANK YOU to all that purchased a ticket!

The kids hanging out with Fred after the drawing!

Take 2!

Today was a very successful day of pumping gas and washing windows!  We had perfect weather and great customers!  THANK YOU so much to Expressway and Megan for allowing us to do this and for all their support and to everyone who came out to support us - whether you filled your car(s) or truck(s), bought chicken or pizza, bought a raffle ticket, or threw a few bucks in the donation bucket - we appreciate it more than you know!!!   Our communities are amazing!!!

Here is the details on the Schwan's fundraiser!!! Ordering is easy! Any one who lives in an area where Schwan's delivers can order and help out our team...from New York, to Florida, to California!!!
Mark and Stacy selling malts. A VERY GENEROUS donor bought malts for everyone at the school! They wanted to remain anonymous so whoever you are THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Shout out to Alden-Conger Art Teacher Mary Schulte...she was asked to do a painting on the Urban Concept Car that is going to London.  She had little direction...spent all weekend at the school and this is the final result!  Thank you so much!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The day at the Minnesota State Capital!  Representative Peggy Bennett invited the team to the Capital today (May 18, 2016), introduced the kids to the other Representatives, and read a resolution acknowledging the kids and their accomplishments.  They enjoyed meeting the Representatives and telling their story!