Saturday, March 31, 2012

Excellent Day

Bio Diesel Car   674 mpg             1st Place

E100 Car            1020 mpg         Currently 2nd Place

Every one is very excited with the results of both cars. 


Early Afternoon Results

Bio Diesel Car currently at 669 mpg

E100 Car currently at 791 mpg        Currently in 2nd Place

Josh is one the track timmers.  The cars have 24 minutes to make 10 laps.  Every lap they radio the driver with the total time, current lap time & avg of completed laps.

Results of the morning

Bio Diesel Car   623 MPG

E100 Car            724 MPG

Fueled & Ready

The big moment will be captured by both cars at the same time.  The track official allow between 10 - 15 cars on the track at one time.  It is not a race.  When a car completes it's run it will exit the track & the official will allow another car on the track.

Both on the track together.

Today is race day.

Both cars were able to get 2-3 test runs in yesterday out on the track.  With the exception of a few minor repairs the cars & crew are ready for the day.  

The Drivers are ready. 

The track opens at 9:30.  Both cars are in line.  Each car has to make 10 laps w/o stopping to complete a run.  When the run is finished the fuel consumption will be measured & if time permits they can go back in line to make another run.  All cars are allowed up to 3 runs.

We will start posting results as the come in.

Map of the track & convention center

The track goes around Discovery Green directly across the street from the convention ctr.

Cars & Crews waiting for a turn to test the car & see how the track feels.  The track is a normal city street with a few cracks, Patchs & a pot holes.

Start & Finish Lane.  Looking toward turn #4.       Convention Ctr. on Left & Trk. on Right.


This is a video from 2011.  Excellent overview of the program.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

More Tech. Inspection Pics

Fuel check.  Judge is holding one of the devices to measure fuel.  They are going to check how much fuel is in the system/ lines after the fuel bottle (tank).

    Making sure the cars are in the correct weight range.

Safety Harness check.  The 2 judges attach the red bar to the drivers safety harness and lift the car and the driver off the ground to make sure it holds.

Drivers need to be able to completely evacuate from the car with in 10 sec. with out any help to pass one of the tech. stops

Technical Inspections

Cars waiting to go through tech inspection.

All cars move along through each stop in the tech area.  They need approval at each stop to receive final certification.

Checking the size of the car.

Brakes need to hold the car on the ramp.


We had a little free time this morning.  Part of the group toured the space center.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1137 Miles

We finally made around 8:00 P:M.  We made it just in time to park the trailer at the George R Brown convention center before it closed for the night.

Tommorow: March 29th

Drivers Mtg.
Safety Mtg.
Tech. Inspection
Walking tour of the course

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fighting the wind

Had to stop in Iowa & repair the front of our trailer after the wind removed part of it.

Feeding the troops @ Applebee's & stopping for the night in Ottawa, Kansas.

Names in pitures

Top Picture;
Back row  L to R
Dave Bosma (Instructer)  John Arnold (Owner of Arnold's Inc.)  Brent Mueller (Arnold's Sales Director)
Middle row
Wyatt Ladwig, Drew Folie, Jacob Wallin, Parker Hemingson, Jacob Sorensen & Brad Wermedal (Mgr. Arnold's of Alden)
Frt. row
Isaac Sorensen, Jacob Helland, Noah Nelson, Josh Majerus, Lucas Vanenglenburg, Riley Peterson.

Middle picture;  L to R
Jerry Reyerson, Brad Wermedal, Brent Mueller, John Arnold & Dave Bosma.

Bottom picture

E100 car on Left.      Bio Diesel car on Right

Taking pictures & packing up the cars

Tuesday 3-27-12  11:20 am
Students are paking the trailer with tools, luggage, snacks & the 2 super mileage cars w/ hopes of leaving by noon for Houston TX.

The Alden Advance & Albert Lea Tribune were also here to get a few pictures of the students & the final result of the cars.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Shell Eco-Marathon

Thirteen students and chaperones are geared up to leave for Houston, Texas for the Shell Eco-marathon on Tuesday, March 27.  This year we are competing in the Bio-Diesel and an E-100 catagory.  The American portion of the event is held at the George R. Brown convention center.  We are competing against High Schools, Colleges and Universities around the continent to see who has the most ecofriendly vehicle by having the highest mileage.  We will race Friday and Saturday (weather depending).  The track is .6 miles and will be run 10 times.